Crime rates have DROPPED overall, city by city in most cases. Verify this how you like to.
Earthquakes have definitely NOT increased in number or in intensity at all in recorded history. Easily verifiable.
Medical breakthroughs and improvements in living conditions have made it possible for you to average twice the lifespan of your great great grandparents.
Improvements in technogy and communication allow us to communicate with you right now, and average people to gain volumes of knowledge right at home.
Starvation, while terrible, has improved with GM foods being more able to grow in poor conditions, and more cheaply.
Moral decline? That will be a matter of opinion.
You may have to make some comparisons with 150 or even 100 years ago (to hit the 1914 last days button) to make your point. Rest assured, it should be easy to do.
The point that this time, right now is the best time to live in human history should be a fairly easy one to make. That is not a matter of opinion.